Sunday, May 01, 2011

Golden Week

It's Golden Week in Japan, a series of holidays that generally last about a week, and give people a chance to travel and such.

I'm very thankful for this chance. It's been rather hectic with all the moving and adjusting to the new job. I just now today got all my stuff out of my roommate's room. Now eventually I'll have to unpack my room and make it livable.

Our final roommate arrived tonight. Now we get to start a new rhythm of life and see where it leads us.

Tonight is a quick up-date kind of post. Shocking I know. I will return again some other time for my usual lengthy posting.


Moe said...

Hello, Amber,
You look fine and busy.
This screen is really nice.
I've recently started a blog.
Please come and see it some other time.

A single boomer's life.
See you,

iriske said...

Keep working.
Maybe you can visit my wedding dress site, too.