Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Refreshment Window

Tonight is my last night in Texas. In about 4 hours, I will start my journey back to Japan. And I don't know when I will be back again.

Previous times I have returned to America, I have always had a divided heart. I was happy to be back in my hometown, with my family and familiar things, but I had always felt torn away from the place I loved, Japan. I always went back to Japan with great joy and anticipation.

This time has been different. This time I have accepted that Japan is my home. Before, I guess I was always afraid, and I didn't want to leave it, even for a little bit. But now, it's ok to leave for a while.

This time I was blessed with a chance to rest. Rest my body, thanks to a broken foot. Rest my mind. Rest my heart. It's been good.

The time with my family has been refreshing. My niece and nephew loved me unconditionally. I saw family members I haven't seen in years. I visited my home church and was encouraged and supported by familiar faces who knew me since I was a child, and by faces who where new, and had only heard of this Amber person who lived and worked in Japan.

I have been blessed.

And I find myself thinking, it might be nice if I could stay a little longer...

But I know it's time to go back, face the humidity and lack of convenient transportation. Go to the doctor and check on my foot. And eventually, get back into the thick of things.

But I am so thankful for this time of refreshment that I have been given.

It's good to feel... peaceful.

Next stop, Japan.

1 comment:

Aamer Waqas Chaudhary said...

Hope you have reached your destination!