Thursday, September 11, 2008

more pictures

Here are a few more yukata pictures from the live. The top one is me with three other missionaries I know who came with me and then the members of the band. I was really glad they came. We weren't planning on taking a picture, but the members told us to. Haha. It was funny.

There is also a picture of the band members in yukata. Personally I really like the yukata for men. It's more common to see girls wearing yukata, but I like the way they look on guys. I think more guys should wear them! haha. Yeah, I'm weird.
And randomly, some cute bunny pictures. There was a special live outside during the summer. We met this guy who had two bunnies and the girls made friends with the bunnies very quickly. Here is Neko-chan with the two bunnies. They were really cute.
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